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Saptari Killings was purely Human Rights Violation by the state

Rayznews reported " On March 5th four United Democratic Madhesi Front cadets have been killed in a firing by Police trying to dis...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Stop violence against women

"समाजमा एकले गलती गरे त्यो दोशी हुन्छ, सयले गरे त्यो सामाजिक गलती हुन्छ। "

Nepalese society has been orthodox in its practice but primary cause of women exploitation is not just because of domination its due to lack of knowledge and education. If we look at the problem at surface level then its nothing, the government has already initiated free education policy in the country but still the literacy rates are down.Domestic violence and lack of understanding are the major obstacle that hinders women empowerment and leadership at grassroots level. Nepali society lacks the basic core rights of education, health and safety specially for girls. Nepal Government and the international and national Governmental agencies are busy in finding the donar but nobody cares about ground reality. Ground reality is when a girl is educated, a family become educated and then the society and community. It grows and multiplies. No matter how much we talk and make different measures but ultimately it comes down to these basic core factor that largely make a woman independent. An educated women is way more stronger and active than any other ordinary man.

Woman education is not just a need its a right of every child. we need to abolish the ideology of looking at woman with a different view.

The current practices of the society turning a blind eye to domestic violence is the main cause of  major women exploitation cases. In any case of domestic violence if is stopped at the point of generation then it can be easily solve d and the output can be fruitful. But when the society starts to ignore one case then it pounds up to become many where the tendency and psychology of the society evolves as a weakness. This tendency of the community or society to discriminate among people and generder creates 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nepal makes it in the list of most corrupted countries

Transparency International is back with its annual Corruption Perceptions Index-2013. Nepal ranks 116th, with 31 points on a scale of 0-100 with 0 denoting the most corrupt and 100 very clean. The report covers 177 countries across the world. Last year Nepal stood at 154th position with 27 points which this year has improved.  Nepal manage to score 31 points mainly due to efforts made in the sectors of good governance, appointments at various constitutional positions, verdicts in corruption cases and action initiated by the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority against corruption.

Denmark and New Zealand are very clean countries with both scoring 91 points each while Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia are listed as highly corrupt countries, each of them scoring eight.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

HIV AID 2013 and its practices

HIV AIDS day December 1 as "Getting to zero: Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths

Today its HIV AIDS DAY, every year thousands of people march and organize rally to spread the awareness about HIV AIDS and do related talk shows and other program but at the end of the Day HIV AID is challenging humanity  with high growing numbers and infection rates.

 Specially in Nepal HIV AIDS is being looked as a topic that is very closely and nearly related to NGO's and INGO's. May be its because of its funding or the programs being done or may be its because of the number of NGO's and INGO's working in the sector?

 But something that concerns me  is commercialization of the topic,  today there are more than five dozen organizations working for the cause. these organization directly involve in getting funds and working in small or large program . Though these organizations  work at their own level but at the end of the day only hand full of organizations come with effective programs and campaigns.

I personally consider HIV AIDS is a fight against humanity for which we all should unite, people dying anywhere in the world due to lack of resources and medicine services  is unfair and injustice  which needs to change.

Looking at global statistics of World Health Organization,  Nepal ranks the 56 position in the list of countries  found to have reduced the HIV infection sharply, the number of people getting HIV infected is not declining.

Still today  four to six persons are getting HIV infection daily in Nepal while the number of deaths caused by HIV/AIDS is 4800 in a year, according to a statics provided by the National AIDS and Venereal Disease Control Centre.

Around 262 people get HIV infection every hour across the globe. and 4,400 die due to the disease around the world which cannot be undermined.

This year the WHO has theme the HIV AIDS day December 1 as "Getting to zero: Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths"

Monday, November 18, 2013

a note to the prime minister of Nepal

Respected Mr PM

How can you assure the security of Nepalese during the general election of constituent assembly 2013 .......

Bomb blasts are happening every day in different parts of the nation and you are saying there is security. You walk with a convey of security people,  read any newspaper and you will know about the real security situation of Nepal.

Even in the capital there were large number of security checks happening  till last week and from this week there are Limited security checks happening at night. So we can see and understand the level of security in the Capital.

We do understand the priority but giving assurance and standing by your decision are two different things. Hope you will stand by it.

I don't feel secure in capital, so I can imagine about other people. You asked people to vote but in regards to that the prices of transports, have made a check or arrangements for the public, NO. For your information the prices of transport have gone up and nobody cares.

Who's responsibility is that?    

How can you assure people's safety ?
Can you make each and every Nepali feel secured a big NO.....

Monday, November 11, 2013

More blood in the name of Democracy is wrong

The Nepal Government is trying to go ahead with the general election in full swing with such situation is a question of discussion. From the security preparation to the management of resources though it is said to be under controlled but in one hand the government is fully prepared whereas on the other hand with the attacks, explosion and security issues things are really looking out of control.

The game of politics and manipulation is taking its toll where 10 days strike certainly puts a questions on operation and happening of the general election.

The question that have been raised is, is the government trying to play Democracy game at the stake of lives of thousand of Nepalese?

As today the first day of general strike against the  election, number of bombs were planted in different schools and public location. Most of them were prohibited but the question of public security is high in concern.

Similarly, with the election closing in, the number of attacks have increased tremendously putting public at high risk.  

Do you want More blood in the name of democracy

The government saying,  they will give security but on real grounds we all know there is no security, who cares about the public. These killings would later be rectified in the name of POLITICS where the public have to suffer  and the public would have nothing to even complain  ...............................

A big slap for how dumb we  Nepalese are ..........

Monday, November 4, 2013

Political call for nomination and practise in Nepal

Today UCPN (Maoist) representatives came to my house with their political manifesto and  public campaign. It was very obvious for me as last year too the same candidate Hisila Yami had filed the nomination from the same place and she had won the election with huge number of votes.  When I saw them I asked them a question as we voted for her party last year, so before voting I wanted to know what was the result of her being in power last year?  My question was very genuine because I wanted to know what they had done and what they were planning to do.  

Answer: They replied we brought tankers for water distribution....

The campaigners were talking and highlighting what they had done at local level?

But my question still remained unanswered
What have you people done for the community and society last year thinking upon which i can reconsider my vote.

Answer was nothing just some blabber answer that were irrelevant.  

I was amazed the way the campaigners treated the public, as if they thought we were not educated and we didn't care about the country.

Hello I am a young generation youth and I beleive in action and hard core changes that would help my society to overcome the gaps between haves and haves not.

But the campaigners were silent, they wanted to know what our problems were and they were looking for instant solution to our limited problems. If thats the case then who would think about the long terms changes and problems. if political leaders are limited within the local problem then who would find solution and give visions  and leadership. I was surprised by the way our political parties lacked political vision and stability. We definitely need a political culture that understands and gives vision to the energy and development.

 Our country needs few attention subjects like:  
1. Taxpayer recognition
2. Transparency in Tax system
3. Effective political culture
4. Strict rules and regulation against corruption

Proposed ideology on Federalism practise 
1. UCPM(Maoist): 11 federal state based on ethnical identity and delineation of special autonomous regions, autonomous regions and protected areas based on the dominant presence of specific communities in certain areas
2. Nepali Congress: Option for 7 or 13 depending on discussion
3. UML: Seeks 7 states although open for discussion with all option open
4. RPP: 7 states, 2 in Terai-Madhes and 5 in mountainous region

Power management and Governance
UCPM(Maoist): Executive President directly elected and Prime Minister chosen by the parliament to run day to day government
2. Nepali Congress: Powerful President and executive Prime Minister elected from Parliament
3. UML: Ceremonial President and Executive Prime Minister
4. RPP: Ceremonial President and Executive Prime Minister
5. RPP Nepal: Ceremonial King and Directly elected Executive Prime Minister.

On Legislative Power:
1. UCPN (Maoist): Bicameral at center, Lower house based on population and equal representative from each provinces in the Upper house
2. Nepali Congress: Parliamentary System
3. UML: Parliamentary System
4. RPP: Parliamentary System

Friday, November 1, 2013

prabal gurunrg hyped too much

I am so surprised that Mr fashion Designer Prabal Gurung who just turned American one month ago is hyped so much. His achievements are really high when we talk about years but hello he has promoted himself not the nation in any ways. Come on People has he not done anything for the country or has he named his labeled "MADE IN NEPAL" to be so proud and prized about. We Nepalese just search for reason to make people go on top without looking at their pros and cons.


Give me some break 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

8th Internet Governance Forum (IGF), bali Indonesia

The 8th Internet Governance Forum (IGF)  held in Bali, Indonesia, from 22 to 25 October 2013 and focused on “Building bridges – Enhancing multi-stakeholder cooperation for growth and sustainable development”. The IGF was a eye opener for me to see how the world of ICT  worked. I believed it was something that was more prescribed where some hesitated to speak and some promulgated their ideology upon others, but I strongly felt there must be more involvement in terms of global practices and work modality over the world.

Likewise, getting a glimpse of the event,  there were around  1,500 participants from 111 countries, including Ministers, members of Parliaments and senior officials. The ambitious objective of the Bali meeting was to build bridges and strengthen the cooperation between and among various stakeholders, allowing and strengthening a constructive multistakeholder dialogue.

Different organization like ICAAN, APNIC,  ISOC, ITU etc were seen active in raising their part of the issues where big shot people in the IT industry ruled in their presence.
Similarly different issue of FOE, digital divide, standardization, security issue, e-learning, cyber crime were discussed  and highlighted among different session and expert.  Moreover, the voices of the developed and practised rule in while limiting the voice of the developing in understanding the real situation of what is happening and what can be done to make it right.  

IGF2013 practices a weak model of multistakeholdership where collaborative solution's searched but only prescribed solution were given.  The forum highlighted limited  so called experts of few organizations who tried to give solutions and predictions from their point of view. Come on multistalkholdership is about cooperation for discussion not for observed solution.

Specially looking at the gaps of charter, rights and convention, there is a big gap of what is there and what is adopted by the individual countries according to their laws and regulations. The discrimination among  countries has resulted in the issue of standardization and net neutrality which needs more cooperation not policy lobbying.

Discussing global scenario of protecting journalists, bloggers, and media actors is not a question of reality. The discussion should have been more focused on what has been practiced and how can we overcome the gap in  giving the people their rights. Standardization in policy is a big hindrance for all and multistalkholder forum like these where overcoming such problem  is yet another issue.

Apart from that  the developed nation like US fighting on pity issue of blaming the China for infiltrating their cyber space and attacking was a real terms of hypocrisy which did not limited their action of cyber surveillance and espionage all over the world.  Perhaps the Chinese delegation fighting back to US pointing their incompetence of not being able to handle the situation of espionage over the www was a reality check.

Internet is a global platform that marks the achievement of human history that related to each and every individual that is associated with it. Discriminating and making it aloof is not a condition of today, it needs to be neutral in terms of its use, rights and impact.....

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kantipur Publication Neglects the road infront

Kantipur Publication, Subidhanagar  is one of apex journalism organization of Nepal. It practices storytelling
and bringing the truth through different form of paper, radio and Television channel. It writes about the pro and cons of society but from years, every time it rains the road in-front of them becomes slippery and hundreds of people  have slipped in-front.

Recently the road was dug up during the road expansion campaign and has further worsen the scenario putting a question in the late working modality of the road department.

Do they care I don't think so?  Nobody cares, the publication seems to highlight and voice issues of concern where as it refuses to see the road in-front is degrading and needs serious attention. what can we expect from a pristine organization like such. Is it my mistake to expect such a minor thing from the Kantipur Publication?  

Wiki defines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as  corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, or sustainable responsible business/ Responsible Business. It  is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model.

Today I became a Victim and slipped. I don't know whom to blame the government that fails to realize public safety to which I bloody pay my hard earned money as tax  for public welfare  or the publication that stands tall in bringing the truth of the society but neglects the road in front.

What kind of society are we moving to ....................................

Rayznews writes, " If Kantipur publication being the apex news agency cannot voice a minor issue like this then its hard to imagine how it can voice the  truth to the public,"

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Election in Nepal, a Remedy or an issue

Election in Nepal has been opted as a  solution for the overall political chaos where there could have been better solution. From the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly on May 28 2012, Nepal has been facing political crisis in various forms of its operation, management and leadership.  Nepal's political scenario has never faced such a situation of leadership and diplomacy that encounters no barriers. The Baburam led government dissolved the Constituent Assembly (CA) due to its failure in drafting a new constitution, the CA was dissolved  after its original and extended total tenure of 4 years which according to morale values was acceptable but without any solution and putting the nation in such a transitional phase is was un-acceptable.  With political tussle and power play games the political parties of Nepal could not come to a conscious ideology.

Apart from that due to lack of political culture the nation faced a situation of uncertainty and deadlock which grounded the overall Nation's position.

Still then the political parties were seen at their turf where no fixed version regarding the election could be made.  There was no policy for diplomacy where the 4 party alliance declared the need and founded the controversial interim government led by chief justice Khil Raj Regmi  to end the political deadlock. The Khil Raj Regmi Government which was formed  with allegation and controversies where the  Baidhaya led Maiost party (Nepal Communist Party) expressed their dissatisfaction.  Khil Raj Regmi government has been doing its best to conduct the election.  The Nepalese Constituent Assembly election dates were postponed several times where the political parties exhibited their self interest of  weak governance and power politics.

The four party alliance have forwarded the current election option as a final remedy for the current political crisis situation but on the other side with such volatile situation things aren't looking easy.

Why shouldn't the Nepali Jantas Vote ? 
1. The election preparation is not enough, the Id's are not ready,
2. One of the candidate who was shot, died ,
3. The Baidhaya group is still saying they will retaliate with force where around 33 parties are in support
4. The political parties have come up with candidacy but they are not prepared for election
5. More than 80 % of the candidates who were responsible for dissolving the previous Constituent Assembly are up for Candidacy

Why are we having election? 
1. Four Party wants this election
2. Indian government is in support of election

Then why this election, it is just  waste of time, money and resource

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